Loved you Yesterday, Love you still, always have always will.

Check out this beautiful bedroom from Aimee. I love it!
(Aimee's is a size large, 40" wide)


Robyn at reviewed one of our most popular vinyl monograms the family name monogram on her blog and is offering a $25 gift certificate to our store. Check out her cute blog and enter to win!

Polka Dot Little Girls Room

Polka Dots are super cute! Don't you just love this little girls room? Mandy sent me these great pictures of Molly Kate's Vinyl. Isn't it great?

Welcome to our home...

Our new Welcome to our home sticker has been so popular! Definitely one of our biggest sellers. Cheryl sent me these pictures of her front door.  I love how simple of an addition it is.


And a modified version from Orah. she just wanted the Welcome and I think it looks fantastic.
Makes me want to redo my front door. Looks so good!


Who doesn't love a sale? We at Simply Stick It Designs are always making extra vinyl lettering and decals. Sometimes we make a mistake in color or just make too many! I like having spare parts lol. I have tons of vinyls now just taking up space and want to get rid of them so I'm selling them at 50% off or more! Check it out and see if there's anything you want. They make awesome presents!

All the way from Australia...

Abbey sent these precious pics all the way from Australia. Aren't they fabulous?
 A side view...
I love how the vinyls don't distract from the amazing-ness (is that a word?) of the pictures. They just subtly add to it. Beautiful!
Thanks for sharing Abbey!

Gift Certificates

Yesterday was my birthday and I got a few gift certificates. Yay!  That means shopping and that makes me H-A-P-P-Y! It also got me to thinking, I should have gift certificates for my store. So if you know someone who would love vinyl, but not sure which saying they would want or color choice? You can give the gift of Vinyl through their email though the store Gift Certificates are a great way to give a vinyl lettering gift. With so many quotes, sizes and colors to choose from, sometimes it's just "safer" to let the person choose for themselves. Your recipient can use the certificate to purchase one of our predesigned vinyl or they can create their own in our custom vinyl designer. The sky's the limit! 

All gift certificates are sent via email and can be passed along by email right to the recipient, they can be sent to you for emailing, OR they can be sent to you for printing to place in a card. It is totally up to you! Get yours today!

Make it your own...

One of my favorite things about vinyl is you can cut up the words and place them however you wish. Adrianna did this and it turned out adorable!
This is what she started with...

...cute, yes?

Cute Monkey Room

I love babies and especially their rooms! Add some sock monkeys and it's perfect.  I've seen a bunch of nursery vinyl pictures over the past two years and this is one of my favorites! I love how the square monogram doesn't over power the room. Thanks to Heather for sharing with us. Don't you just love it?
and over the door...
So very cute. Do you want a square monogram? Click here to order in our store. Or maybe a monkey see, monkey do, click here.

Are the holidays already here?

Not yet... but we're having a sale anyway.

Do you like this...
or this...
or maybe this...
or maybe you have something in mind already and are ready to unleash your Inner Artist? Get started by clicking the button below.

Well,  I've already bought a couple Christmas presents for my kids (on sale of course) and thought I'd like to offer my customers a little money savings for being the best customers a girl could ask for. Maybe you can find that perfect vinyl for yourself somebody on your shopping list.

If you go to our website and enter the coupon code 10SALE10 when you're ready to check out you get 15% off your whole order!

Enjoy this sale, it will last until Halloween 2010!


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